La Cornée Vive (L.C.V) Leaders

Founder, La Cornée Vive (L.C.V)

Co-founder and President of the NGO La Cornée Vive (L.C.V), which provides psychoeducational support and training for children of parents with visual impairments, Pastor Gilles, whose civil name is KOFFI Melain Gilles Treilhardy, was born on January 6, 1973, in Agboville (Côte d’Ivoire).

He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Modern Literature from Alassane Ouattara University in Bouaké and a State Diploma in Specialized Education from the National Higher Institute of Social Training (INSFS) in Abidjan.

Accepted into the 6th grade, his academic journey was hindered by paralysis of the lower limbs due to medical negligence, which caused him to lose nearly an entire school year.

Far from being discouraged, he understood that the grace God had given him—the ability to use his limbs—was a divine calling to assist those in precarious situations.

Converted to Christianity in 2002, he experienced a vision one night while lying on his bed: the Bible opened and stopped at Joshua 1:8:

"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success."

A vocation was born in his heart—to serve God by dedicating himself to others.

Thus, his life became dedicated to orphanages and organizations working for stigmatized blind individuals and potential suicide victims, offering them comfort and sharing Christ’s love.

Several NGOs emerged from his journey:

  • Mère Béatrice Cœur d’Enfant Afrique (MBCE) (2013) – Supporting and training out-of-school and unschooled children in rural areas.

  • La Cornée Vive (LCV) – Providing psychoeducational support for children of blind parents.

  • La Compassion du Christ International (CCI) – Assisting the blind, widows, and orphans within the Church.

Today, he is the Founder and Pastor of the Missionary Church “Les Témoins de sa Grâce” (EMTG).

He is also a father of three wonderful daughters: Miriam, Marie-Pascale, and Marie Eliora.

Co-Founder, La Cornée Vive (L.C.V)

Born on July 1, 1982, in Lopou (Dabou), KONE Amoin Jeanne d’Arc has had a remarkable journey.

In 2000, at the age of 18, she obtained her A2 Baccalaureate and chose to pursue a career in communication, earning a Higher Technician’s Certificate (BTS) in Corporate Communication two years later.

With this diploma in hand, she successfully applied for the Specialized Educators' competitive exam, graduating with a State Diploma in Specialized Education in 2006.

In 2009, she became an Inspector of Specialized Education, and since 2018, she has held the position of Chief Inspector of Specialized Education.

Concerned about the well-being of others, she has always been involved in social welfare organizations to provide support to the most vulnerable.

In her service to the blind, she has successively held the positions of Head of Social Services and Director of Planning and Development at the NGO Fraîche Rosée.

As a co-founder of the NGO La Cornée Vive, she is also a founding member of the NGO Compassion du Christ International and the Missionary Church “Les Témoins de sa Grâce.”

A mother of three children, she is currently the Training Secretary of the Ivorian Network of Women Civil Servants in Specialized Education (RIFFES).